Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jacob Shamray                                                                                                                                          


                                                                                                                                                                Author : Dave Pilkey                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                MY REVIEW: :Melvin created a bionic booger boy and he turned into the bionic booger boy and he went to the class room and he had bunches of boogers in his nose.  Then they went to a field trip and then Melvin the bionic booger boy got bigger and bigger and bigger. i like this story because it is funny  and  because captain Underpants saved the day. It was very interesting when bionic booger boy went into the classroom and sneezed on everybody, it was so funny. At the end bionic booger boy turns back into Melvin. I felt bad because I really liked reading about booger boy. Even though I thought this was a funny book I would not recommend to students in kindergarten or first grade. Once again, I have to say that I really liked reading about Melvin turning into bionic booger boy.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Roxanna Medina

Title:Lulu Walks the Dogs


Review: My favorite part of the book is when she sings all these money songs but one of them is my favorite.They said if you want some thing you are going to have to pay your own money to get want you want she picked dog waking  This is my favorite song Danny,Donnie,Dustin,Dave.How much money will I save?Ava,Amy,Ann,Annette.How much money will I get?Money!Money!Money!Money!Money!She is so exited about all her money and the only reason why she is doing it is because she wanted a toy and her mom and dad said no.I like the book because it reminds me of  my mom saying if you want some thing you have to use your own money.Lulu Walks the Dogs

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Roxanna Medina


Title: The Princess in Black

  This book is the best I loved it so much.My favorite part of the book was when Annabel transformed into the princess in black she had to  go down a a pipe and saw 3 rats and then boom! She turned into the princess in BLACK  and then she hid her dress in the closet and went to go get her horse.Then the horse got into her fighting crime outfit and then they went to go fight crime.When they were fighting crime the princess in black was worried because she left the snoopy queen all alone so of course she was going to snoop around.{I would to}.The queen found her dress!The PRINCESS IN BLACK had a secret it was that she was the princess in black.It was the best book ever!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Image result for captain underpants bionic booger boy
Victoria Tran  

Title: Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Bionic Booger Boy

Setting: School,Streets,and Melvin's house

Author: Dav Pilkey

Genre: Fantasy

Main Characters: The Characters are George,Harold,Mr. Krupp,Melvin,Bionic Booger Boy,and Captain Underpants,Mr. Snoddy,and The Squirrel Sulu

Problem: Melvin turns into a booger monster called the Bionic Booger Boy.Then one day they went on a field trip to a Tissue Factory then met a famous guy named Mr. Snoddy that worked there. A minute later he started talking about tissues then Melvin started getting scared. Mr. Snoddy threw tissues at him then Melvin grew bigger,bigger,bigger,and bigger then attacked the whole school and city.

Solution: Melvin's mom and dad saved him from the Turbo Tron 2,000 then Melvin turn back to him himself again, but three more booger guys come back to life. What are they going to do

My Review: I like this book because it is really funny. I think this book is funny because George and Harold changed the sign in the restroom and it said "Remember to Wash your hands in the toilet!". Then, Melvin thought that it was a rule so he washed his hands in the toilet. I think I would rate this book 5 out of five.

Rating Out Of Five: 5